Green Box Consulting is a small, but powerful business capable of providing a range of environmental services required in the different stages of Integrated Environmental Management (IEM); from Assessment, to Planning, and Implementation (management, monitoring and auditing).
Our offices are situated in Bloemfontein (Free State). Green Box Consulting specializes in facilitating environmental Basic Assessment, Scoping/ Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Public Participation processes. Our environmental impact assessments fulfil a gap in the local market for small to medium-sized developments.
Our small size places us in a unique position to provide cost-effective support to a team of like-minded professionals on large projects, and cost-effective services to manage smaller projects, whilst offering the same level of expertise and peace-of-mind as a larger consultancy. The latter is maintained through:
  • Association with professional disciplines (e.g. Ecology/Botany, Heritage/ Archaeology/ Palaeontology, & Surface / Ground water),
  • Professional affiliation with the International Association for Impact Assessment - IAIAsa Free State,
  • Professional registrations (Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa - EAPASA - No: 2019/1348),
  • Professional registrations (the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions - SACNASP),
  • Professional indemnity, and
  • Continual professional development (CPD).
Green-Box Team:
  • Danie Krynauw - (B.A. Geography, Sociology & Economics; M. Urban and Regional Planning) : Director, Environmental Assessment Practitioner
  • Charissa Worthmann - (B.A. HMS; PG.Dip Integrated Water Management (cum laude); M. Environmental Management (cum laude)): Junior Consultant & Environmental Specialist
  • Compilation of Environmental Management Plans & Programmes (EMPs) including Construction and Operational aspects;
  • Co-ordination of Environmental Baseline Studies and Screening Analyses;
  • Facilitation of Environmental Management of Construction Sites which includes Environmental Control, Monitoring and Auditing;
  • Basic Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Waste Management License Applications, Air Quality License Applications, Amendment Applications and Site Selection;
  • Prospecting, Mining Permit and Mining Right applications;
  • Public Participation Process;
  • Damage Assessment (S24G Applications);
  • Predator management plans; and
  • Registration of operations that breed animal species in captivity.
We have a small team of consultants who are involved in EIA work with many years of experience in the field. In addition to the expertise offered, the firm has built up a network of experienced specialists whom we can call upon to assist in projects as required.

These range from botanical, ecological, heritage, archaeology, palaeontology, surface water, geohydrology, and game management..